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In our silica sand production, we utilize state-of-the-art installations that allow us to provide a wide range of grain sizes and qualities. This versatility enables us to meet the diverse needs of various sectors, ranging from the glass industry to water purification and construction materials.

Thanks to our selective extraction methods and advanced control of our production processes, we can produce and adjust the desired quality of silica sand at any time. This flexibility ensures that we can quickly respond to changing market conditions and specific customer requirements without compromising the consistency and purity of the final product.



Zilverzand Exploitatie Beaujean B.V. has three quarries, where extraction takes place both in open-pit mining and underwater. The quarries are all located in Heerlen and contain silver sand, each with its own specific qualities.


Through the refinement and classification of the extracted silver sand in various sustainable production steps, custom-made specifications are produced regarding Al, Fe, Ti, Ca, Mg, and grain distribution (max 5% moisture).

Procescontrole / Lab

Zilverzand Exploitatie Beaujean B.V. has an advanced laboratory, where every aspect of the extracted silver sand is carefully controlled. Our specialized team carries out extensive testing and analysis to ensure that our silver sand meets the specifications, requirements and standards.



Years of experiences

About us

Over A Century Of Expertise In Silver Sand Extraction

Zilverzand Exploitatie Beaujean B.V. is a family-owned company that has been active since 1905 in the extraction of silver sand in the Parkstad Limburg area. Jozef Beaujean, the grandfather of the current owner drs. A.M.J. Beaujean, started extracting silver sand on a small scale in 1905. The silver sand was extracted by hand and transported by horse and carriage to customers near the quarry. Due to coal mining in the region, a railway line was constructed nearby, enabling delivery to customers at greater distances. In 1914, Philips was supplied with silver sand for the production of light bulbs.


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Thu 01 Aug 2024

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